Proviron (trade marks - Provimed, Proviron-Ver) - A hormonal drug endowed with moderate androgenic activity and significantly enhances erectile function. Proviron is often used in weightlifting and bodybuilding during anabolic courses to combat side effects and improve performance.
Proviron is a rather weak aromatase inhibitor, i.e. it prevents the conversion of anabolic steroids into estrogens in the body to a minor extent. Reading numerous reviews of athletes about proviron, it becomes clear that in practice this drug does not prevent gynecomastia, edema, fatty tissue accumulation in the female type and other side effects associated with the action of estrogen.
Proviron practically does not affect the body's own testosterone production. It can inhibit this process only when taken in large doses. At the same time, proviron contributes to the increase in the concentration of free testosterone in the blood of the athlete, because it blocks the activity of globulin that binds sex hormones. It is these properties of proviron that make it an attractive drug during the course.
Quite often athletes include proviron in the composition of post-course therapy. The feasibility is questionable, because it lacks the ability to restore the secretion of endogenous testosterone.
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The average daily dose of taking proviron for men is 50 mg per day. The intake of the drug should be divided into two times. It is desirable to take proviron after meals. The maximum allowable dose of taking Proviron per day is considered to be up to 100 mg. Exceeding this dosage of the drug can lead to opposite effects. If there is a prolonged erection, which in addition can be quite painful, the dose of the drug should be reduced or refuse to take it at all.
Taking into account that proviron improves potency and increases libido in men, its use is justified in the course of steroids that reduce libido.
In addition, proviron is often used in bodybuilding in the period of pre-competition preparation to give relief to the musculature and increase muscle hardness.
For women, the dosage of proviron should not exceed 25 mg per day and the total duration of intake should not exceed four weeks. If the dosage is exceeded, there is an increased risk of masculinization.
In moderate doses, proviron is not toxic to the liver, which makes it quite safe to take it during a course of several weeks. It does not suppress the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis. Possible side effects include prostate hypertrophy and male pattern baldness of the scalp. Periodic examination of the prostate gland is necessary for prevention purposes.
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